Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Vancouver Whitecaps FC Tickets/Seat Strategy

I was thinking about the Whitecaps and their upcoming MLS match against Toronto FC, and I realized that I haven't even made plans regarding tickets and seating! So if you're relatively new to the Whitecaps, and you're interested in going to see some matches, I've decided to find out all the useful information possible, and post it here for people looking for tickets etc.

Right away, the first link you need to check out is the Tickets page on the Vancouver Whitecaps website. From there you can find all the different packages regarding season tickets. The handy image of the stadium shows how the seating is organized, and you can see how much it costs to have a season ticket for each section.

The prices are relatively high compared to other MLS clubs, but you have to remember that you'll be in the stunning BC Place stadium, hopefully watching the Whitecaps playing well and winning.

Yellow seems like the most reasonable of all the choices in my opinion
While you may find this image perfect in helping you decide what section you're interested in, I recommend that you also check out the awesome Virtual Venue. It's an accurate 3D model of the BC Place stadium, allowing you to look at seating options easier, also giving you a view of what the field will look like from every row of every section!
A screenshot of the Virtual Venue BC Place
While I'm still not sure about what seating/ticket arrangement I'll go for, I've narrowed it down to probably Yellow or Aqua (see first image if you have no idea what I'm talking about). If you're unsure regarding this as well, I suggest you watch the following video regarding Whitecaps Seat Selection strategy, featuring the Whitecaps FC coach Teitur Thordarson.

Am I the only one that found that video slightly funny? Well in case you didn't, it hopefully pointed you in the right direction regarding your Vancouver Whitecaps FC tickets/seating strategy.


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